Solidarität mit Rojava im Angesicht des Krieges und der Pandemie!

Das Virus Covid-19, das unzählige Städte in Quarantäne versetzt und ganze Bereiche der Wirtschaft lahmgelegt hat, hat nichts daran geändert, dass der schmutzige Krieg des türkischen Staates und seines Verbündeten Daesh gegen die Menschen in Nordsyrien, die sich ohne Waffenruhe verteidigen müssen, weitergeht.
Auch die latente Belagerung des syrischen Staates, gefördert durch das regionale Hegemonieprojekt Russlands, die die Region auf ihre Rolle als Schauplatz einer Auseinandersetzung mit dem nordamerikanischen Imperialismus vorbereitet, ist sichtbar.

„Solidarität mit Rojava im Angesicht des Krieges und der Pandemie!“ weiterlesen

Against the Capitalist Pandemic, Solidarity between Peoples

Against the Capitalisitc Pandemic, Solidarity between people

Various anarchist organizations from Latin America and Europe have published a very good situational analysis of the current state of the social revolt in Chile and the ongoing worldwide crisis caused by the corona pandemia.
We would like to give a short explanation on why we, “die plattform”, decided to solely help share the text instead of also signing it. At first we would like to express our joy and euphoria about the fact that the organizations of class war around the world, who fight for libertarian communism are moving closer together, a process that also strengthens our fairly young organization.
Despite all that we primarily did not sign the recently published text because of one point of criticism. Besides the use of some terms which we would not use in this context, e.g. the word “genocide system” to describe capitalism and its various horrible effects we mainly criticize one part of the text, which we believe, leaves open space for conspiracy theories about the origin of the virus as a pandemic initiated by imperialist states.

It is important to us to make clear that not only is there no evidence for such assumptions but that furthermore this approach bears no analytical relevance. As long as there is no valid proof for such theories there is not only no point in spreading them but from our point of view all this also harms our own credibility and the important analyses that can be found throughout the rest of the text.

At the same time we also understand how it is possible that the part we criticize was included in the situational analysis. After all our Latin American comrades have experienced decades of continuing brutal US-imperialism and his cruelties of which a lot at first might have sounded like conspiracy theories and later turned out to be true instead.

Because of this we understand this small text as a form of sharing our criticism in solidarity and debating the content of the analysis but not at all as condemning anyone.

The ways of international cooperation are still new and we will continue to grow with and through each other!

Arriba las y los que luchan!
Up those who fight!

„Against the Capitalist Pandemic, Solidarity between Peoples“ weiterlesen

Vorbereitungen zur Märzrevolution – Outtakes

Unsere Vorbereitungen für unsere Veranstaltungsreihe “100 Jahre Märzrevolution” liefen auf Hochtouren, doch dann machten uns mehrere Dinge einen Strich durch die Rechnung… oder doch nicht?

Trotz Corona-Krise & Ausgangssperre wollen wir die Geschehnisse von 1920 im Ruhrpott nicht vergessen und haben deshalb so einiges für euch anderweitig vorbereitet.

zB. mit diesem Vortrag, den wir einfach für euch aufgenommen haben:

oder einer Gedenkrede:

Noch mehr Informationen findet ihr auf unserer Website:…

Stay tuned!